"america’s Err BNB: Vol. 2: The Noose"
acrylic on canvas
This is the second of three in the "america's Err BNB" mini-series within this body of work.
In this series I posit three things I feel america has used to control and strike fear in the black body.
The second...the noose.
There are three things that speak to me the loudest when informing my view on the hate and terrorism in american history. The white hoods, the burning crosses and the noose.
america’s Err BNB Volume 2: The Noose
In its club we hang
We dance beneath red, white and blue
Strobe lights…….still.
Bodies imitating Stone’s Henge
We pre-date their eyesight’s history
And they watch each dance move,
rhythm withering away
until they catch the beat and learn
who they are and place it in a bottle
as an heirloom for their offspring to sip from
and now George is dead.